Framework VS Methodology

I often come across misunderstandings in what a framework is versus a methodology. Which is quite understandable as there is precious little agreement even in the literature available on the internet. I have found a couple of definitions below that I believe adequately capture the essence of the difference.


In general, a framework is a real or conceptual structure intended to serve as a support or guide for the building of something that expands the structure into something useful.

Framework = WHAT (and perhaps WHY)


A documented approach for performing activities in a coherent, consistent, accountable, and repeatable manner.

Methodology = HOW

Key Distinctions

  • Frameworks are high level (high enough that all organizations could see their work in it) while methodologies are specific to the organizations they are developed in.
  • Frameworks can be applied anywhere (are interchangeable) while methodologies tend to only work where they were developed.
  • Methodologies are step by step instructions and are developed based on frameworks.

The PMBOK is a framework applicable to all projects.


The Island Health Project Management Methodology is specific to the organization.