SASUKE2010春 (SASUKE #25)
Tokyo Broadcasting System [TBS] broadcast date Sunday, March 28th, 2010
Stage Results Overview
Competitors to clear 1ST Stage = 11
Competitors to clear 2ND Stage = 5
Competitors to clear 3RD Stage = 0
Competitors to clear FINAL Stage = 0
SASUKE #25 - Top 5 Results
The top 5 performances for this competition are listed by highest obstacle and then by competitior number.
SASUKE #25 - Commentators
SASUKE #25 - Course (Obstacle) Configuration
Total Obstacles = 23

Time Limit = 115 seconds

Time Limit = 95 seconds

Time Limit = none

Time Limit = 40 seconds
The 25th competition, official name: SASUKE2010春 (literally SASUKE2010 Spring) is the first tournament after Urushihara Yuuji's kanzenseiha. Like the other two competitions following a Final Stage completion (SASUKE 5 and SASUKE 18), the course was altered to increase the difficulty significantly.
SASUKE 25 was recorded February 20, 2010 and aired March 28, 2010 on TBS; the running time was 4 hours. People from every prefecture in Japan and most major world geographic regions were represented in this tournament.
Start Positions #1-#97 were drawn at random using a lottery, resulting in veterans Takeda Toshihiro, Levi Meeuwenberg and Satō Jun receiving their lowest start positions ever. The final three start positions were reserved for the three former champions; Akiyama Kazuhiko was given #98, Nagano Makoto wore #99, and reigning champion Urushihara Yuuji was granted the coveted #100.
Stage One was peppered with obstacles coming out of retirement and brand new ones. The time limit was decreased by five seconds from the previous competition and the red carpets from the Shin-SASUKE era were removed in favor of the old green color of the early days. With the removal of the Jumping Spider, this marked the first competition in which a spider walking obstacle was absent. Of the new obstacles, the Dome Steps took out competitors at a similar rate as its predecessors, but very few had problems with the Bridge Jump. The three returning obstacles -- the Rolling Maruta, Jump Hang and Circle Slider -- had similar success rates to their first go around on the SASUKE course. A total of eleven people cleared: SASUKE All-Stars Takeda Toshihiro and Yamamoto Shingo, former SASUKE Trials qualifiers Satō Jun, Hashimoto Kōji, Kanno Hitoshi and Urushihara Yuuji, international competitors Li En Zhi, Levi Meeuwenberg and Brian Orosco, and SASUKE veterans Takahashi Kenji and Okuyama Yoshiyuki. All eleven had cleared Stage One in prior tournaments.
Stage Two, although remaining largely unmodified, began with two new obstacles -- the Slider Drop and a Salmon Ladder variant, the Double Salmon Ladder, In the second half of the stage, the ending rope of the Balance Tank was severely shortened and the track was slightly longer than the SASUKE 24 version. Together, these new obstacles eliminated Urushihara, Takeda, Meeuwenberg, Kanno, and Yamamoto, all of whom had reached Stage Three multiple times in the past. Ultimately, five men cleared the stage, including Orosco, who did so with a mere 1.4 seconds left on the clock. Orosco had never cleared the Second Stage before while the other four reached the Final Stage in the previous tournament.
The biggest renovation came in Stage Three, with all seven obstacles making their respective SASUKE debuts. Large curtains covered the obstacles until the Third Stage was to commence. Orosco failed the second obstacle, the Doorknob Grasper, while everyone else failed the new Ultimate Cliffhanger, the fourth obstacle, leaving the final three virgin territory. Since no one attempted them, the names of the three remaining obstacles aren't known.
This article uses material from the "SASUKE_25" article on the SASUKEPEDIA wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.