SASUKE Competition Quick Links
Sasuke ShurikenSASUKE2005真夏 (SASUKE #15)
Tokyo Broadcasting System [TBS] broadcast date Wednesday, July 20th, 2005

Stage Results Overview
Competitors to clear 1ST Stage = 7
Competitors to clear 2ND Stage = 6
Competitors to clear 3RD Stage = 0
Competitors to clear FINAL Stage = 0
Top 5SASUKE #15 - Top 5 Results
The top 5 performances for this competition are listed by highest obstacle and then by competitior number.
Name (氏名) # Result - Obstacle Stage
TAKEDA Toshihiro
TAKEDA Toshihiro
竹田 敏浩
96 Sasuke Stage Failed - Devil Buranko (Devil's Swing) - デビルブランコ 3RD
白鳥 文平
94 Sasuke Stage Failed - Climbing Bars - クライミングバー 3RD
山田 康司
70 Sasuke Stage Failed - Jumping Bars - ジャンピングバー 3RD
長崎 峻侑
65 Sasuke Stage Failed - Cliffhanger - クリフハンガー 3RD
Morgan Hamm
93 Sasuke Stage Failed - Curtain Cling - カーテンクリング 3RD
MicrophoneSASUKE #15 - Commentators
Announcer (アナウンサー) Competitors Covered
初田 啓介
1ST Stage: 1st - 30th / 81st - 100th , 2ND Stage, 3RD Stage and FINAL stage
小笠原 亘
1ST Stage: 31st - 80th
SASUKE #15 - Course (Obstacle) Configuration
Total Obstacles = 24
SASUKE 1ST Stage image
Time Limit = 96 seconds

01. Hurdle Jump - ハードルジャンプ NEW

02. Butterfly Wall - バタフライウォール

03. Sandan Rolling Maruta (Rolling Log) - 三段ローリング丸太

04. Cross Bridge - クロスブリッジ

05. Jump Hang - ジャンプハング

06. Neshireta Kabe (Crooked Wall) - ねじれた壁

07. Soritatsu Kabe (Warped Wall) - そり立つ壁

08. Tarzan Jump - ターザンジャンプ

09. Rope Climb - ロープクライム

SASUKE 2ND Stage image
Time Limit = 65 seconds

10. Chain Reaction - チェーンリアクション

Brick Climb - ブリッククライム

11. Spider Walk - スパイダーウォーク

12. Balance Tank - バランスタンク

13. Metal Spin - メタルスピン

14. Wall Lifting - ウォールリフティング

SASUKE 3RD Stage image
Time Limit = none

15. Rumbling Dice - ランブリングダイス

16. Body Prop - ボディプロップ

17. Curtain Cling - カーテンクリング

18. Cliffhanger - クリフハンガー

19. Jumping Bars - ジャンピングバー

20. Climbing Bars - クライミングバー

21. Devil Buranko (Devil's Swing) - デビルブランコ

22. Pipe Slider - パイプスライダー

SASUKE FINAL Stage image
Time Limit = 30 seconds

23. Spider Climb - スパイダークライム

24. Tsuna Nobori (Rope Climb aka Final Rope) - 綱登り

Notes The 15th Competition, official name: SASUKE2005真夏 (literally SASUKE 2005 Summer) was the first and only tournament held during the Summer. Temperatures during the tournament reached 34 degrees Celsius, causing a greater effect on stamina, which caused several Soritatsu Kabe time outs. Because of the heat, Shiratori Bunpei suffered from heat exhaustion, causing him to miss when he was supposed to run the First Stage. Instead, he went after #100 Nagano Makoto went. In the Second Stage, there was great success as the first six people cleared. The last person to attempt the Second Stage was Nagano Makoto, who failed the Metal Spin, the stage's only elimination. Despite not being 100%, All-Stars Shiratori Bunpei and Takeda Toshihiro made it the farthest. Takeda, who was suffering from a right shoulder injury, was the last man standing for the first time in his career.

This article uses material from the "SASUKE_15" article on the SASUKEPEDIA wiki at Wikia and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License.

Deta Saito
Lost in Ube
Rambling Rican
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SASUKE Competition Quick Links